Webinar: “Advances in Sensor Technologies for Environmental Monitoring”
8th March – from 12 pm ( Romanian hour)
- 12h00 |Welcome and Opening – Director of the Chemistry Department at the University of Aveiro
Armando Silvestre (CESAM-UA, Portugal) - 12h10 | EEA Grants Bilateral Projects – Director of Program and Financing Services at DGPM and Coordinator of the EEA Grants Blue Growth Program, Sandra Silva (DGPM, Portugal)
- 12h20 | COASTAL – MiCrofluidic sensOrs for rApid detection of marine toxins in SusTainable
AquacuLture- Alisa Rudnitskaya (CESAM-UA, Portugal) and Michal Milenik (SINTEF, Norway) - 12h45 | OPTIRAS – Optimization of water quality control on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Renato Gil (IINL, Portugal)
- 12h10 | NITROSENS – Voltammetric Detection of Nitro-explosive compounds using Hybrid diamond-graphene sensors: Field Monitoring of Emerging Contaminants in the Baltic Sea Region – Anna Dettlaff(GUT, Poland)
- 13h35 | POLSENS– Nanostructured Microfluidic Analytical Plataform for Dual SERS-Electrochemical
Detection of Emerging Environmental- Cosmin Farcău (INCDTIM, Romania) - 14h00 | ELASTOMETA– Elastomeric Tuneable Metasurfaces for Efficient Spectroscopic Sensors for
Plastic Detection- Oana Rasoga (NIMP, Romania) - 14h25 | Closing remarks – Alisa Rudnitskaya (CESAM-UA, Portugal)
Moderated by: Stine Göransson Aanrud (NMBU, Norway)
Webinar link: